Monday, November 5, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks - Day 5

Eventually, I'm sure I'll get to talking about how thankful I am for various members of my family, but today I am thankful for my furbabies: Siggy, Willie & Bella.  I realize many of you are not cat people, but these are not your typical kitties.

Siggy, although he is over 10 years old, still has a little baby voice.  Like a toddler, he also likes to follow me around and talk (or whine) incessantly, especially if I'm on the phone!  He has a knack for getting into the middle of things, such as bedsheets while one is trying to make the bed, ribbon while one is trying to wrap presents, and tape while one is using tape for any reason.  As annoying as he can get with all of his toddler-like tendencies, when he's quietly snuggled up with me he just about makes my heart melt.  These days he's taken to sleeping just above my head on my pillow, which I think is just so incredibly sweet.

Willie is a cat who seems to have defied all kinds of odds.  Despite having been (I think) abandoned and (I know) beat up by other cats on the street as a kitten, he's a lover if there ever was one.  He's equal opportunity, too - if you want a cat to snuggle with, he's your cat whether you've met him before or not.  I'm grateful that he's been around so long, too, as I thought the FIV would've gotten to him within a couple of years of my finding him.  It's been 7 1/2 wonderful years so far, 3 1/2 of which he hasn't had teeth!  He's taken to sleeping directly on top of me at night.  While most people would be annoyed, I actually find his weight to be comforting most of the time.

Finally, there's my little darling Bella.  After about a year and a half of living with me she's turned into a ridiculously affectionate cat, and at just 6 pounds is the perfect size for my lap.  One of the funniest things about her is how she manages run the place despite being less than half the size of either one of the boys.  She's somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 - 13 years old, and I hope I have at least a few more with her falling asleep curled up on my chest.

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