Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks - Day 4

I was going to try to stick to some sort of flow and write today about something related to yesterday’s post, but I’ll save it for another day.  Today I am thankful for singing, and many different aspects of it.  Since this post is being prompted by a couple of especially heartwarming and rewarding experiences I had this morning, I didn’t want to wait!

I’ve been singing with one group or another for as long as I can remember, during much of that time singing with more than one group.  I’ve also had plenty of opportunity to sing soloistically.  Some of it’s paid and some of it’s volunteer, and while I’m certainly not the greatest out there – not even close! – I still feel that since I have a gift that’s reasonably well-developed, I need to share it.  Few things give me more pleasure or make me feel as honored as being asked to sing for someone’s wedding, and few things are as important as singing for a loved one’s funeral. 

It’s not completely selfless, of course.  There’s the sense of satisfaction that comes with a job well done, and then there’s the confidence that comes with feeling like I’ve performed something especially well.  Probably most significant, however, is the fact that I feel more alive singing than I do just about any other time.

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