Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks - Day 3

Chicago is, in my humble opinion, one of the best cities on Earth.  Today I am thankful for having been born and raised here, for finding my way back, and for having worked downtown for the past 6 ½ years (something I always wanted to do as a child).

In a city like this there is always something new to do or see.  There are fantastic museums, great restaurants, interesting buildings and architecture, indoor and outdoor activities year-round, and opportunities for everyone regardless of interests or ability level.  Chicago specifically is a very green city, with plenty of parks and trees everywhere.  We also have a number of rooftop gardens, including one on top of City Hall.  

There are also hidden gems everywhere.  In fact, what prompted this post today was a Dabble class I took this afternoon called “Fossils and the Magnificent Mile.”  I’m happy to report that the next round of friends who visit and allow me to do a little bit of tour-guiding will not only become familiar with some of Chicago’s best and biggest spots, they’ll also get to learn a little bit about the unique contents of some our buildings, some of which are over 400 million years old.    

This is one of my favorite images of Chicago, and the one that hangs in my living room.

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