Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks - Day 27

Spinach keeps Popeye strong, garlic keeps vampires away, and carrots ensure that our eyesight is good.  Today I'm thankful for these foods, and others like them - today I am thankful for vegetables.  I never thought I'd feel this way, because when I was a kid I was not the biggest fan.  I always ate my veggies first, saving the better parts of my dinner for last.  Today, I can't get enough of them.

I love the sheer variety of veggies, their versatility, their flavors and textures.  I love them for lunch, dinner, and snacks.  I love that they're packed with vitamins and therefore help me to stay healthy.  Most of all, I love that I can eat a lot of them and stay skinny.  :-)

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