Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks - Day 24

I'm a month and a half into my cute new haircut (yes, putting it that way does make me seem a little vain, but since it's what everyone's been telling me, I figure I'm allowed), a move that I probably wouldn't have made for several more months had I not found a great hairstylist.  Today, I'm thankful for her - Lindsey at the Nelson Group in downtown Palatine.

I'm so thankful for Lindsey that even though I'm moving in a week, I'll probably still go out to Palatine for haircuts (it certainly helps that Mark & Karen will only be living a mile away from the salon so I can go out for haircuts and to play with the kids afterward).  I expect this will continue for quite some time - until either a) I get sick of having shorter hair and decide to grow it out again, or b) Lindsey is promoted out of my price range, since I have a knack for finding talented younger girls who are then rapidly promoted.  For the time being, I'm just going to enjoy it. :-)

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