Thursday, November 24, 2011

Things for which I am thankful: my list for 2011

I started writing this over the weekend, put it down for a couple of days, and have just now finished.  I have to warn you all that it’s long…enjoy!

Well, it’s been a hell of a year.  With the condo tax mess that made 2010 excruciating at times I didn’t think it could get much worse – so much for that theory.  Despite it all, there have been some wonderful things that have happened this year, and keeping them in mind has really been my saving grace.  Here are the things I’m thankful for this year: 

All of you, and then some: first and foremost, there’s no way I could’ve gotten through this year without the love and support of my family and friends, only some of whom read this blog.  Whether you’ve listened to me rant, let me crash at your pad for a couple of days, gently pointed out things that were hard for me to hear but ultimately helped lead me along the right path, made sure I didn’t spend a holiday by myself, taken me out for a girls’ night, or simply given me a smile and a hug when I needed it, you’ve all meant so much to me.  I hope you all have at least some inkling of just how much.

The fact that I’m a tough bitch: while this is in part due to my incredible support network made up of all of you, I’m so thankful that I’ve been blessed to have turned out the way I have.  During one especially tough week my mom told me she didn’t know how I was holding it together.  When a comment like that comes from a woman who’s been through so much herself over a lifetime, it really makes you stop to think.

My Employee Assistance Program: here’s me wearing my HR hat for a moment.  If you guys have an EAP, use it!  I’d used mine previously for things like articles & audio recordings on time management, workout tips, and that sort of thing, but it’s really come through for me this year.  I used it to find a marriage counselor, then later for legal advice and a referral, as well as a consultation with a financial planner.  It’s all free and completely confidential, and it’s one of the reasons I’ve been able to manage all of the crap and maintain performance at work.

My health insurance: which pays for my therapist.  Enough said.

My Co-workers: I have a pretty hard & fast rule about not talking about work on this blog – ever – but I’m breaking it momentarily to give a shout out to the folks on my team.  It’s wonderful to go to work every day knowing that everyone you work with cares about what they do,  are good at it, and all do it well together. 

My family: I know I’ve mentioned them already, but my reasoning here is slightly different.  I won’t mention everyone, but here are a few:
I’m thankful that Rill Oma, who suffered both mentally and physically for so many years, is finally at rest, and that we were able to put together a nice funeral for her.  As hard as it was to sing through her the entire mass, I know she would have loved it. 
I’m thankful for Kreiling Oma & Ota.  As much as Oma drives us all crazy at times, she’s still got that spark.  Some of Onkel Walter’s e-mail updates following her heart surgery in May were the funniest things I’d read in a long time! 
I’m thankful for Natalie, who was born just all of the shit with me was going down, and for Logan.  I’m sure I’m a little biased, but she was so perfect from the moment she was born.  Watching her big brother dote on her is absolutely darling. 

My babies, especially the acquisition of Bella: my boys are the best cuddlers in the world, and as crazy as Siggy drives me sometimes, he’s still cute.  Read all about Bella in my previous post. 

My talents, especially singing: someone told me recently that my voice has developed so much over the past few months – something about adversity and getting through it bringing out depth.  I’m just grateful that other people like to hear me sing, and that I can use that talent to lend a little something to others’ special moments.  Just last night, singing at Good News Partners with CCC brought it home again – there’s just something about the way you can connect with others through the voice that doesn’t compare with any other feeling out there.

My state of mind: I realized last week that I’ve been more relaxed and happy over the past few weeks than I have been in a very long time.  I’m content, happy with myself, and optimistic that everything is working out in the best way possible for me, and will continue to do so.

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.  I’ll sign off wishing you all my love, and nothing but joy and happiness this holiday season!

1 comment:

Eva said...

And I am thankful for such a wonderful and talented daughter.

love you always,