Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks - Day 10

Today, in advance of Veterans’ Day, I’m thankful for US military personnel around the world and all they do to keep our country safe.  While many do not agree with many of the military operations, I think one thing we can all agree on is that our men and women in uniform have some of the most difficult jobs out there.  I’m thankful for having worked on a military base for a year and a half, which gave me a much different perspective on, and deeper appreciation for, members of our armed forces.

Along those lines, I’m also very grateful for the people I met and got to know during that period of my life.  While I’ve never been good at keeping in touch with far-away friends, Facebook has been great for finding some of them again.  Some of the younger sailors I got to know in Naples have done some great things for others, both during their military careers and after them.  If you guys are reading this:

-JR, I love your almost daily pictures reminiscing about the different places you’ve visited, the food you’ve enjoyed, and the good times you’ve had.
-Chuck, I’m proud of you for having earned your degree in Criminal Justice, and shit, you’re built!
-Tony, I love all of your positive messages – it looks like you’ve had so much fun in Japan! 
-Pete, I’m glad you’re back home in Cleveland and finding your way.

To the others I didn’t mention, don’t worry, you’re often thought of as well.  To the others I haven’t found on FB yet, I hope we can reconnect soon.

To all of you non-military personnel out there – don’t forget to thank a Vet this weekend!

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