Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thirty Days of Thanks - Day 1

Today I’m taking a page from someone else on FB – I’m starting a new tradition of writing about one thing for which I am thankful each day in November.  While this may lead to blog disorganization, long-windedness, and posts will probably end up being slightly difficult to be original with by the end of the month, I still think it’s a great idea.  Part of what keeps me going is regularly taking a bit of time to count my blessings, and I hope that by sharing them over the course of this month will help others look on the bright side, too.

Today I am thankful for a well-developed sense of personal spirituality, not that it doesn’t continue to evolve.  I’m posting this today, on All Saints Day, since a big part of what I take comfort in is the idea of praying to, or starting a dialogue or conversation with, the spirits that intercede for us.  Think of Catholic saints, or the gods & goddesses of many different world religions, or whatever spirits you may believe are out there. 

This year I’m thankful for the intercession of St. Joseph, who I think has helped move the sale of my condo along (despite all of the snafus, I’m still convinced that it’s moving along a lot more smoothly than it could be).  I’ve also always been thankful for St. Cecilia, who is the patron saint of musicians – whenever I sing a Litany of the Saints, I always throw her in at the end.  I’ll end with being thankful for St. Florian, who is the patron saint of firefighters – I like to think that he keeps my brother safe!

This image of St. Cecilia and an angel hangs in the Smithsonian's 
National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC

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