Since my last post, I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with even more bank incompetence. Here’s a run-down, most of which is truly mind-boggling:
- Friday, 9/14: called to follow up since I hadn’t heard from a negotiator. I called the short sale department’s dedicated phone number and dialed my Homeowner Support Specialist’s (HSS) number & extension. The person who answered the call told me that my application hadn’t been sent to negotiation because I was missing the HAFA application (remember when I called on 9/10 I was told that the HAFA and negotiation processes would happen concurrently). *deep breath* I was reassured that the HAFA application was mailed on 9/12. I asked what the application contained (i.e. what form(s) would I need to complete), and the person wasn’t sure because she was not actually in the short sale department. But I dialed the short sale department!
At this point I asked to speak with a manager, who I thought might be able to clarify the situation in the event the regular level employee with whom I was speaking was not giving me the correct information. Unfortunately, the supervisor told me the same thing – my stuff was not sent to negotiation because of the HAFA application. She then told me that I needed to speak someone in the short sale department for clarification and transferred me. After several minutes, someone with a foreign accent who sounded very confused picked up the phone and promptly hung up on me.
I called back, again using my HSS’s number & extension and this time reach the Homeowner Support Department and ask about the HAFA application requirements. I was told that the bank needed the HAFA affidavit as well as several documents that they already had (homeowner’s insurance policy, HOA statement). I asked about whether it was possible to cancel the HAFA thing since I hadn’t requested it in the first place and was told no, a point my realtor later confirmed. At that point I decided that if the packet was in the mail, I could wait to complete for affidavit form until it go to me, expecting that it would be in my mailbox by Saturday. Had it not been almost 5pm at that point, I would’ve asked for the form to be emailed to me anyway.
-Monday, 9/17: Since I hadn’t received the packet in the mail over the weekend and really wanted to get the HAFA application in I called in an attempt to have it sent via email. I called the Short Sale department. The representative who answered told me that there she could not email anything to me. I was flabbergasted. I asked what the HAFA application entailed, was again given the requirements, again confirmed the bank had the documents I’d already sent, and then again requested that the affidavit form be emailed to me. The rep was so confused that rather than send me the form, she scheduled a call for me with my HSS later that day. What is so hard about emailing a damn form?
My HSS actually did call later that day, albeit an hour earlier than she was supposed to, and she was able to send me the affidavit right away. She said that as soon as she had it returned she could get the file to Underwriting. I had it completed, signed by myself and my ex, and returned to the bank within two hours.
-Thursday, 9/20: I called to follow up and make sure my form was properly uploaded, and experienced a first in doing so – when I called the short sale department and dialed my HSS’s extension, I actually got her. She confirmed that it had been received and promised to send everything over to Underwriting. She estimated that they would make a decision by Monday (9/24), at which point she could send the file to Negotiating.
So, that’s where I am at this point. While my HSS said she sent my file to Underwriting, but my thought is that she’ll have gotten sidetracked Thursday and when I call Wednesday to follow up since I haven’t heard from anyone, someone else will have to prompt her to do so. I hope I’m wrong because I’m getting a little sick of this. Here’s to hoping for a better update next time!
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