Friday, March 16, 2012

Viki at Gun Class

First of all, thanks to everyone who chimed in on my Chicago list.  I plan on updating it soon (adding the lake, Second City, and a few more items), and will keep it on my links list as Sarah suggested.  I'll do my best to add a few things for families and people with cars at some point as well. 

Now, on to the meat of this post: a few weeks ago I wrote about my quest for personal fulfillment (which I'm thinking is going to continue beyond the next 6 months, but that's another story for another day).  One of the things I mentioned was the gun class I'd signed up for, which took place last Saturday night.  While spending 5 hours on a Saturday night at a gun class might sound a little weird, I highly recommend it!

The class, called NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting, took place at Maxon Shooters Supply in Des Plaines, IL.  I chose this place because it's local, family owned, and I knew the class size would be small (this one had the maximum of 8 students) so I'd get some good individual attention when it came to actually shooting.

The class began with several classroom sessions: safety, parts of a gun and some classroom practice with them using fake bullets (caps?  I forgot the actual term, but they're the kind that don't go off at all), ammunition, how to legally transport weapons, and that sort of thing.  Most of it was good, common sense information but certainly necessary to review - you'd be surprised at how hard it is to keep your finger from automatically going to the trigger when you pick up a gun, rather than stay along the side until you're ready to shoot!

After about 3 hours of classroom time we spent an hour on the range - so fun!  We each got to try several different guns, starting with a .22 caliber revolver, moving on to a .22 semi-automatic, then on to a .38 revolver and several different .38 semi-automatics.  The format and pacing was very good in we each started with an instructor individually on the first revolver before they switched up our guns.  I felt like I got some very good instruction, both at first and then with each successive weapon, but didn't feel like anyone was breathing down my neck. 

After an hour on the range, which was plenty of time, we wrapped up in the classroom and each received a certificate of completion.  I think I'm going to find a certificate frame and hang it up somewhere.  Considering I never framed me college diploma, you can tell how excited I am by this.

My overall impressions of my own shooting are that I am slow, and that I need to start to with .22s before moving up.  Being slow isn't so much a problem since I'm fairly accurate - I was complimented by my instructor and others in the class on how tight my groupings were - and it's not like I have a need to be getting shots off quickly.  Sticking with .22s for a while is just something I think will help me get used to the kickback a little bit more easily. 

Along the lines of sticking with .22s, I think I'll be sticking with semi-automatics rather than traditional revolvers though I do need to do a bit more comparison.  I think that the double action settings on the revolvers made for a tighter trigger than the semi-autos, which I'm sure contributed to more/worse soreness later on.  Comparatively, the single action revolver settings just made for a wimpy feeling trigger, but the semi-autos were a nice balance.  I think semi-autos just look cooler, too.

With regards to soreness, while I was expecting some delayed onset soreness, it took slightly longer to hit me, and felt a little worse than I anticipated.  It certainly wasn't bad by any means, just more extensive, and though I was expecting to feel it by Sunday evening, it didn't really hit until just before lunch on Monday.
On a completely different note, I really do need to mention my instructor, Jessica.  She really kept the classroom part of the evening flowing well, was very witty while still conveying the serious nature of the topics we were covering, and I appreciated her continually modeling correct posture and handling throughout the class.  I think the fact that she was right around my age, and the mere fact that she was female, really helped put me at ease quickly (I was the only woman out of 8 students, and while I'm a tough bitch I think it still made me feel more comfortable).  Jessica teaches a follow-up class once a month, which is really more like a group lesson, but I'm definitely trying to get in for April!

Now that class is over and I have my FOID card, I can legally rent a gun and spend some time on the range.  If I go to Maxon's I need to take a buddy, so let me know if you're interested!  If you like to go shooting and are fairly knowledgable in the area of handguns, I may try to talk you in to going with me.  :-)

Ok, that's enough for one post - now it's off to the opera! 


Anonymous said...

Brenda and I (Sare) were thinking about goin shootin some a well rounded evening you had. Culture of all kinds and sorts :)

Anonymous said...

Well thanks to your inspiration Brenda and I (Sarge) took an archery lesson this past weekend. Granted it may not be a regular event, but the two of us had fun bonding and doing something way out of the ordinary for us. Granted we were the only members of the class that were old enough to drive, but it was a fun time none-the-less. Brenda and I both learned something A.) I shoot lefty yet as a kid I always shot right (which was apparently wrong), and B.) Brenda learned that archery is not a sport fitting of a woman of "certain endowments". live and learn