Saturday, February 18, 2012

My year of personal fulfillment

Since about the middle of last summer I've made a fairly concerted effort to make sure my life is about me (I know, what a concept!).  It started out as a necessary component of me getting myself back to a place that was emotionally balanced, and has continued as a means of keeping me there and ensuring that I keep things in perspective.  A few months ago I got to the point at which I felt like I should've started going back to thinking a little more about the logistics of life and professional pursuits, but after a bit of internal debate I decided that I should give myself the rest of the year off. 

And what have I been doing with this year of personal fulfillment?  There are a few major things that come to mind, and others that are not so major but still worth noting.  These are in no particular order:

Drinking more beer: this is probably obvious given my ongoing research study, but I'm a beer snob.  Around Thanksgiving I downloaded an app called "Untapp'd," and have since made an effort to try new beers whenever possible even if my favorites are on tap.

Trying new cigars: ok, so I haven't had that many cigars this winter, but I have made an effort to try new ones when I have.  The impediment to this is that I have a fully-stocked humidor (yes, I bought my own humidor, albeit a small one) and have tried most of what's in it.  Fortunately over the winter it's too cold to smoke on my patio so I have to go to a cigar lounge where there are always new things to try.  :-)

Shooting: I shot a handgun for the first time last June, an experience that was the only redeeming event in an otherwise disastrous weekend.  I loved it though, so for my birthday I decided to really treat myself - in a couple of weeks I'll be taking a gun class, during which I'll learn about gun safety and handling, and get to try several different handguns.  I'm stoked!  Although it wasn't required for the class, I've also applied for my FOID (Firearm Owner's ID) card.  All of this makes me feel like a tough bitch - go me!

Cooking: I haven't done quite as much of this, but will try to make it a point to do more once all of the craziness in March is over and done with (lots of concerts next month).  The little bit I have done, however, has felt great.  I think my main goals with this point are a) to get myself into the mindset that I'm worth making myself a nice dinner, and b) to get back to cooking in general so I can have dinner parties and not end up with kitchen disasters.

Wine-ing: Wine is another thing I've not focused on over the past couple of years, a realization I came to a few weeks ago as I was going through what I kept from the wine cellar.  I realized that there are wines for which I have no descriptions, no notes on when they will drink best, no ratings, or any of that.  Now that my picture project is pretty much complete, my next one is going to be to flush out the cellar list.  Fortunately I have the day off on Monday!

Traveling: last August I took a vacation by myself, going to Washington DC for a few days.  This is a trend I need to continue.  I'm thinking this year maybe Seattle.  I hear the coffee is great, and I'm sure I can find a good winery to visit...maybe I should think about taking someone else along, though, as a DD.

Writing: I've been doing much better with this one of late.  I don't know if anyone really cares about what I have to write about, but I still enjoy doing.  I used to be pretty decent but feel out of practice, hence my aim to do it more.

Singing: not that this really needs mentioning since it's always been a focus, but I'm hoping to get in a little more solo work this year.  A couple of summers ago I was part of a recital with a couple of other sopranos (Sopranorama!), and I'm hoping that this summer we can get it together to put on another one.  While last time I sang some more traditional rep (Vilia, Adele's aria from Fledermaus), this year I'd like to find some things that are a little out of my comfort zone, or at least out of the norm for me.

There are more things, I'm sure, but those are the major ones.  On that note, I'll sign off - have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Karen said...

jim would be all about your shooting goal. next time you're in town we'll go to the range.

Mamma Sarah said...

I love reading goals that people set, especially friends. I'd love to venture West... and we can even get the DL on some good coffee/wine spots from a good friend I have out there. :-)

JNoble said...

I sat back in my chair after reading this post and I need to spend some time in the details of my life. What an inspiring post. Thanks for sharing.


P.S. H and I went to Seattle last year four three full days and LOVED it. And did some winery tours! Can't go wrong!

Anonymous said...

I think focusing on yourself is very healthy. You come out stronger for it - and happier!
The PNW is fabulous. I visited here for a few days one year and moved just a couple months later. As a bonus, we actually have good coffee, wine, AND beer :)